The West Region board exists to connect NAPFA members, 深化学术项目和规划公司之间的关系, expand diversity, equity, and inclusion, support local professional education, 并将成员与美国西部国家组织提供的资源365bet线上盘口app官网起来.S. 我们是一群志愿者,致力于通过回馈行业来推动收费财务规划向前发展.

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West Region Local Groups

NAPFA成员在草根网络和合作方面有着悠久的历史. Local groups are great places to meet other Fee-Only advisors, attend valuable CE-eligible educational programming, and connect with your peers. Join a West Region Local Group below.


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Contact: Susan Chesney and Sarah Garber

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Contact: Denis Smirnov

Our 2023-2024 Financial Planning Competition is Complete!

NAPFA西部地区委员会每年举办一次财务规划竞赛,帮助学生磨练他们的财务规划技能,并与经验丰富的从业者365bet线上盘口app官网. 每组最多三人将获得一个案例研究,并通过录像提交他们的规划建议. 评委根据学生展示CFP委员会八个主要知识领域的能力来评估记录的演讲, mastery of advanced planning techniques, creativity in identifying unique solutions, and presentation skills.

The winning student(s)/team receives a $3,000 cash award, 可用于支付CFP委员会项目费用,如学费、书本费和/或CFP®考试注册费和学习材料费. In addition to the prize, 学生可以与经验丰富的规划师和导师365bet线上盘口app官网,他们可以作为促进他们在财务规划方面职业发展的资源. For the winning team’s program, a cash award of $2,000 to support their academic outreach and initiatives.

Congratulations to the Winners!

在2023-2024年的比赛中,竞争非常激烈,我们很高兴地宣布获胜者. Let's celebrate the outstanding achievements of Brenna Cancilla and Annika Echarti from UCLA, who emerged victorious in this challenging competition.

Brenna Cancilla 她来自洛杉矶地区,在美国洛杉矶大学获得本科学位.C. Berkeley. 她正在攻读加州大学洛杉矶分校的个人理财规划证书,并将于2024年7月参加CFP考试.

“The summer before I went away to college, my dad was hellbent that I learn the basics of personal finance. 我们一起阅读个人理财书籍,讨论共同的策略和主题. To this day, 他抓住每一个机会指着他那张旧的影印图表,上面显示了货币的时间价值. It feels magical that, by starting to invest at age 20, 你可以为自己创造一个完全不同的生活,而不是等待. 我喜欢学习金融的其他小奇迹,并很高兴与他人分享.”

Annika Echarti 2023年,他从德国搬到美国,在加州大学洛杉矶分校扩展分校开设个人理财规划课程. Not knowing anything about American tax, retirement plans, and insurance, 她觉得很容易衡量她在这么短的时间内通过课程和优秀的讲师学到了多少.

“我喜欢财务规划的地方在于与人紧密合作, getting to know them, and helping them on so many different levels to live a happy, safe and financially peaceful life. For me it is so important to build a strong, trusting relationship with my clients, they should know that I always put their interest first. Now that I am finishing the PFP certification, 我很高兴从4月1日开始寻找新的机会,因为我在CFP的旅程中取得了进展.”

Runners Up

We also want to recognize the efforts of the other finalists:

Shane Littleton 在过去的七年里,一个在基于信仰的非营利组织工作的有希望的职业转变者. Having always been interested in personal finance, 在偶然发现Michael Kitces的网站并阅读了Nancy Landon Jones的《365bet线上盘口app官网》之后,Shane决定CFP标志是为他准备的。.”

Shane在2023年全职工作的同时承担了教育部分,并计划在2024年参加CFP考试. 他和妻子将在2024年春天迎来他们的第一个孩子, 肖恩期待着尽早暗示孩子应该考虑成为一名CFP专业人士.

作为NAPFA的骄傲成员,Shane希望将他的技能和激情带到波特兰地区的收费RIA. 他很高兴能从那些和他一样关心客户的人那里学习,帮助他们实现财务目标.

Nathan Redman-Brown 是着迷于金钱科学的空间和信托建议如何使离谱的目标可行. 他认为,金钱是一种工具,如果使用得当,它可以服务于各行各业. Nathan目前是乔治福克斯大学CFP董事会注册项目的大四学生,并计划在2024年7月参加CFP考试.

“这次比赛是向评委学习的绝佳机会(谢谢Megan Buchanan)!)和NAPFA成员,与拥有共同受托心态的顾问一起完善和实践我的技能. 我鼓励我的同龄人参加这个比赛,既是为了奖品,也是为了从中学到东西.”

Cort Morris remembers growing up, money was a taboo topic. 他的父母和其他家庭成员不喜欢谈论这件事, but it was easy to see the way it heavily affected them.

“In hindsight, 通过更好的计划和沟通,我们家面临的许多经济困难本可以大大减轻. This sparked my interest in the world of financial planning, 我对心理学和行为学的兴趣进一步强化了哪一点. 我很高兴能在财务规划领域开始自己的职业生涯,帮助引导那些艰难的对话,引导个人实现他们的财务目标.”

The 2024-2025 Competition

如果你正在读这篇文章,并认为竞争听起来很有趣, we’d love to have you for our next competition!


  • Are currently enrolled in a CFP Board-recognized program, 包括那些攻读本科或研究生学位或课程证书的人, or,
  • 项目毕业生目前正在学习参加CFP®考试吗

Click here 完成兴趣表,以保持对2024-2025年比赛的365bet线上盘口app官网! 要查看2023-2024年竞赛的细节,包括时间表、常见问题解答等, click here.

如果你想了解更多参与2024-2025年比赛的方法, either as a student, professor, mentor or judge, click here to complete the interest form. Additional questions? Email Brenna Baucum.

West Region Board of Directors


Andy Mardock


Evan Loomis


Kaydee Cole


Daniel Yerger

Local Groups

Danielle Miura


Courtney Ranstrom

Academic Outreach

Brenna Baucum and Shalmali Kulkarni

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